Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Breaking News- Hoboken may buy back municipal garage property from developer

Read more: Hudson Reporter - Hoboken may buy back municipal garage property from developer who currently owns the site. On the agenda for tonight's Hoboken City Council Meeting is an ordinance to bond for the municipal garage for a total of $16 million. The Hoboken Reporter seems to think that the bond would cover the buy back of the garage according to one source.

Click on the link below for the whole story on the Hoboken Reporter's Website.....

My comment: What will Hoboken 411 and Lane Bajardi have to say for themsleves if this option plays out? Lane Bajardi has publicly gone on record saying that he would not mind seeing the garage moved since his property is near the current site. Too bad. Hoboken 411 "spilling the beans" might just keep the garage where it is. Poor Lane. Let us see what develops (or not). Time will tell.

Question: How much more anti-Zimmer hatred would grow in the bowels of this turgid Napoleanic tyrant and master of distortion of the Engllish language, Lane Bajardi given the above scenario?  Two to one odds the little guy goes ballistic tonight at the City Council meeting. Any takers? 3 to one he tries to grab someone's camera. Take that to Municipal Court and jack up your lawyer fees!  :) ◦