Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Police to Plan Rally in front of City Hall Tonight at 6PM

Hoboken Patch (Police Union Urges Mayor To Rethink Lay Offs) is reporting that the PBA will stage a rally in front of City Hall tonight at 6 pm  protesting Mayor Dawn Zimmer's Police layoff plan of 18 officers set to be enacted on September 24th.

The Hoboken PBA has a new Tumblr website up that addresses the issue and it has little content to date but does have a petition with about 131 signatures as of 11am.. The signatures have some fake names (like Arch Liston) and quite a few names are duplicated so the number is likely under 100 and appears to be mostly friends and family of Hoboken Policemen from my perusal of some of the names.

Link to PBA Website "Keep Hoboken Safe":

Here is the link to the petition:

It seems as if the petition online has been overrun with a lot of fake names starting with page 3 and sarcasm, Reminiscent of Beth Mason's boondoggle "Dual Job Dawn" petition last year.

Bogus sign-ins on Police Petition protesting layoffs
My Comment: I am curious to see the turnout of this event in relation to prior events such as Hoboken Revolt which had over 300 actual tax paying citizens at its biggest rally.  I wonder if the PBA will bus in other policemen to protest in solidarity. Newark and Jersey City had much bigger reductions in force proposed/enacted and I am not sure why Hoboken is garnering so much attention.

Tonight's City council meeting should be interesting. At least there will be police present to escort a certain political operative from chambers should he once again get out of line.
