Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Now that the Snow has Mostly Melted - Clean up Hoboken!

This simple statement and headline "Now that the Snow has Mostly Melted - Clean up Hoboken!" applies to both the City of Hoboken as well as merchants along streets in the business districts with the most noticeable being Washington Street. Today might be a bit cold but the next two days are forcasted to be very warm and should melt most of the rest of the snow. We have had an unprecedented winter which has hampered cleaning efforts but now that the snow has mostly melted it is time to clean up. For a city to be so affluent and have garbage strewn about the streets is for lack of any other word, embarrassing. I call on the Administration as well as Hoboken businesses and citizens alike to pitch in and do their part.

Here is just one corner in Hoboken that needs help. There are many others.

Garbage near 8th and Washington St. in Hoboken on the morning of 2-15-2011

More garbage near 8th and Washington St. in Hoboken on the morning of 2-15-2011

Note: A City Official sent me an email stating that since Monday morning, extra crews have been out to "beef up" the cleaning efforts. ◦