Here is a an update on the HHA Health Fair from Jake Stuiver....
Because of the forecast for Saturday, the children's activities at the new movie theater were moved to Sunday. It's very likely that quite a few children from the Housing Authority will be taken to Clearview, where some will be putting on a performance, and chances are they're going to stick around there for a while as it promises to be a fun time. So, we decided it would be best to hold off another week with the health fair.
The rescheduled HHA Health Fair is now at the Multi-Service Center at 124 Grand on Sunday November 1st from 1-5PM.
- Jake Stuiver
Here are the rest of the details:
The event will cater to children and parents from the Housing Authority and feature tables from HOPES, providing education and professional-services information; a flu-shot provider; Hudson Perinatal providing information on women and children's heath; another health service doing general screenings such as blood pressure; a nutritionist table providing information and a few food samples; and a DJ system.
There will also be an obstacle course and other sports activities, and a bike raffle followed by some bike-safety tips and a bike ride.We would still love to get a few more bike donations to give away as well as any healthy foods people can contribute. ◦