Mayor Zimmer Advocates Cost-Effective Approach to Hoboken’s Flooding Issue
"We are making significant progress in addressing our flooding problem. The critical Southeastern flood pump – by far the most important - is moving forward at no cost to the City. Last night, the City Council took the important step of encouraging the North Hudson Sewerage Authority to implement the state-of-the-art wireless technology that I have long advocated in order to monitor and better target our flood prevention efforts. EmNet LLC conducted an on site inspection of Hoboken’s sewerage system last year and reviewed engineering models. They estimated that the Southeastern pump combined with additional solutions that could be implemented inexpensively could solve 80 percent of our flooding problem.
With respect to the remaining 20 percent of the problem, EmNet’s data may also provide us with information we need to proceed with a more cost-effective solution than the current 4-pump plan. This could save Hoboken taxpayers millions and enable us to develop a complete solution that reduces combined sewage overflows into the Hudson River. The three additional pumps proposed under the current plan are to be paid for entirely by the City of Hoboken at an estimated cost of approximately $30 million. While grants could be obtained to cover some of this cost, Hoboken’s investment will remain substantial. Before I commit to an initial $2 million for a project that could ultimately cost the Hoboken taxpayers as much as $20 to $30 million, I want to make sure that the expenditure is really needed. As currently designed the proposed pump system will be pumping Hoboken sewerage into the Hudson during high tide flood events. Anticipated stricter enforcement of the Clean Water Act will likely result in a need to modify the current pump plan at significant additional cost in order to comply with the law. EmNet’s technology can provide us with the information that we need to craft a longer term, more cost effective and more environmentally friendly solution.”
- Dawn Zimmer
Here is the Propsosal for a CSOnet Monitoring System from EmNet, LLC that describes in detail the remediation that system could provide in addition to the 80% coverage the first pump is estimated to provide: