Here are some photos of the snow storm on my commute this morning to work from Hoboken to New York City. The buses on Clinton and Willow weren't running for a while according to one of my commuter friends. The Washington Street bus line was running understandably a bit slower this morning. ◦
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Photos of the Day - Snowboken!
Here are some photos of the snow storm on my commute this morning to work from Hoboken to New York City. The buses on Clinton and Willow weren't running for a while according to one of my commuter friends. The Washington Street bus line was running understandably a bit slower this morning. ◦

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Mile Square Theater Fundraising Campaign
As the year comes to a close, we would like you to consider adding Mile Square Theatre to your list of charities. Entering our 8th year of operation, we have made our mark on the national theatre scene and have become an integral part of the cultural landscape of our own community. This past year has been a significant one. We have...
Developed a 120-seat performance space, the Monroe Theatrespace, at the Monroe Center for the Arts, creating a much-needed venue in Hoboken where many performance groups can present work.
Celebrated our seventh annual 7th Inning Stretch: 7 10-minute plays about baseball. In 2010, Playscripts, Inc. will publish an anthology of selected plays from the series.
Established the MST Drama School and the MST Education Fund, which provides scholarships to young people from the Jubilee Center.
Launched MSTkids by producing our first play for young audiences, Kevin Henkes’s Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse, which the Star-Ledger called “…the purple treasure of Hoboken.”
Produced Hoboken playwright Joe Gallo’s My Italy Story, which Peter Filishia of the Star Ledger championed, “No excuses now, time to run to My Italy Story.” It enjoyed sold-out houses in June and was then revived in July during the St. Ann’s Feast.
The coming year brings many challenges. While we continue to work with Monroe Center for the Arts and Hoboken Children's Theatre to develop the Monroe Theatrespace into a much-needed performance space, the cost of maintaining a venue is high. Add to this the cost of producing high-quality works of theatre and we have a significant fundraising challenge. Unfortunately, we will not receive funding from our most significant funding source, Hudson County, due to a clerical error, so support from individuals becomes even more critical.
Please support Mile Square Theatre with your tax-exempt donation.
All the best to you and your family in the new year,
Chris O'Connor, Founder and Artistic Director
Matt Lawler, Associate Artistic Director
To donate go to this website link:
Or send your donation to:
Mile Square Theatre
720 Monroe Street #E202
Hoboken, NJ 07030
Website Page: ◦
Mile Square Theater Fundraising Campaign

Wild West West on Reprieve- You must be registered for comments in the short term
I know some of my loyal readers are frustrated by the anon. posters but until I get my website on the new platform please accept the limitations of Blogger in the meantime. My focus is still on content and not technology for the moment.
To register for this site I created a handy guide for those who still want to post. Your true identity if you so choose is never known to me since registration is through Google and not some centralized software agent in my control.
Here is the tutorial if you haven't already registered: ◦
Wild West West on Reprieve- You must be registered for comments in the short term

Heard on the street - Pedestrian reaction to the long lines at Carlo's Bakery
Heard on the street - Pedestrian reaction to the long lines at Carlo's Bakery

Yogurt Wars - The Secret Weapon - Koa Koa presents The BBQ Hot Dog!
1) The BBQ BulGogi Hot Dog and
2) The BBQ SamGeubSal Hot Dog.
Just the names alone are more than a mouthful. Hot dog and a yogurt anyone? Some other crazy pairings in the future could include smoke and a pancake, haircut and a waffle, bong and a blintz? :) Share with me your thoughts below on whether or not this is a recipe for success in terms of customer traffic as well as the comedic film reference... ◦
Yogurt Wars - The Secret Weapon - Koa Koa presents The BBQ Hot Dog!

Photo of the Day - Hoboken Marina
Here is a Christmas Eve photo taken of the Hoboken Marina close to sunset. Some boats are still on the water this late in the year. ◦
Photo of the Day - Hoboken Marina

Hoboken 411 virus? - Reader Mail
My comment: In all fairness to Hoboken 411, this is the only case I have ever heard of someone getting this message while trying to browse Hoboken 411. There are many cases of ip address blocking in the past that are well documented but I haven't heard of them lately. Besides, "The Clap" is an infection and not a virus. Furthermore, would the irresponsible owner of that site ever be affiliated with "Trojans" in either an actual or metaphorical sense (script error above indicates Trojan virus) ?
Myth Busted. Probably this reader got the virus from some other source. Has anyone else had this same issue? ◦
Hoboken 411 virus? - Reader Mail

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Gorilla Marketing for Another Website in town
Gorilla Marketing for Another Website in town

Farina- Its not just a breakfast grain, He's our acting Mayor

As Reported on's Hoboken Now yesterday, Jimmy Farina is acting Mayor of Hoboken until Dawn Zimmer gets back from vacation next week. Jimmy as a long time City Clerk is probably the best choice Dawn could make to temporarily fill given his experience, the fact he has done it before several times under the Roberts Administration, and knows all the contacts in City Hall. With that said one reader sent me this yesterday:
WTF! My heart skipped a beat for a second today....thankfully it was just for a moment after reading beyond the headline.
Hoboken City Clerk Acting as Mayor (on
Photo Courtesy of the MSV Blog (cropped)
My comments: Despite one readers initial reaction the City of Hoboken should be in good hands with Jimmy's experience and knowledge of the workings of City Hall.
Here are things that I can guarentee that you won't see Jimmy do in his week long stint as acting mayor of Hoboken....
- Have a photo-op session on a trampoline. Cammarano has been there and done that. Besides, he doesn't want to throw out his back.
- Do a money drop exchange at the Malibu Diner. Cammarano has been there and done that.
- Put his name on all City Vehicles. Roberts has been there and done that.
- Cut a ribbon at Pier C Park. The park hasn't been finished yet. Handrails are still needed to complete the park. David Roberts is pining for attendence at this event but will have to wait until 2010 to see his $20 million dollar kidney bean/fetus shaped park come to fruition. I must admit it looks awfully nice.
- Threaten to grind certain Hoboken constituents into powder. Cammarano has been there and done that.
- "Cut" the City work week to 21 hours. The new hours would be 10AM-4PM with a three hour siesta from 12-3PM. This is simply too radical for someone like Jimmy Farina. The increase in hours would be too much for some at City Hall. Just kidding. :) Joking aside, it must be noted that there are many employees that do work hard in City Hall.
- Search for the $600,000 in missing quarters from the HPU. Thanks to the investigative work of the NJ Attourney General, they have most likely solved this case. Due process must happen but the case against John Corea former HPU Director is pretty compelling.
- Find an additional 80 absentee ballots laying around for Beth Mason. Even if they were found the margin of the election (a whopping 20%, despite the way-off predictions of a close race by Hoboken 411, a leader in misinformation about Hoboken politics) was so wide it wouldn't make a difference. Besides, the County handled the last election anyway.
- Have a celebrity boxing match with Dave Roberts. For those of you who don't remember or weren't here, there once was a bit of a donnybrook between the two a few years ago. They have since patched things up.
- Get a "God Complex" and just go "Klaussen" on employees at City Hall. While I might not always agree with Jimmy's politics he is an intelligent man who knows the workings of City Hall very well and for the most part has an even temperment. The thumbs up in the picture above should give the Citizens of Hoboken confidence that his temporary placement of holding the reigns of City Hall will be uneventful and guide Hoboken until the new year safely; that is until our duly elected Mayor Dawn Zimmer gets back from a well deserved vacation in the new year. Revolt's latest letter will be awaiting her response on top of the gazillion other things that are on her plate.
Farina- Its not just a breakfast grain, He's our acting Mayor

Jewish Young Adults of Hoboken is sponsoring a Bowling Night on Thursday, January 7th

The Jewish Young Adults of Hoboken (JYAH) is sponsoring a Bowling Night on Thursday, January 7th. Beginning with a happy hour at 6:30PM at Mikie Squared, 616 Washington Street, members can order $2 domestic bottles and drafts and $5 martinis. The bowling will begin at 8PM and run until 10PM at a local bowling alley. Refreshments and additional games for non-bowlers will be provided.
Tickets are $10 in advance, $15 at the door. The ticket includes bowling, shoe rental and refreshments. Pre-purchase your ticket at Advance sales end on January 7th at 12PM. ◦
Jewish Young Adults of Hoboken is sponsoring a Bowling Night on Thursday, January 7th

Jib Jab - 2009 Year in Review!
Jib Jab - 2009 Year in Review!

Monday, December 28, 2009
Hoboken Revolt Letter to Dawn Zimmer on the Operational Audits

Mayor Dawn Zimmer
Hoboken City Hall
94 Washington Street
Hoboken, NJ 07030
Dear Mayor Zimmer:
One of the objectives of Hoboken Revolt is to drive a significant reduction in property taxes without compromising the safety and soundness of our town. Obtaining forensic and efficiency audits of city agencies and departments is an essential first step toward identifying cost savings, while ensuring that we continue to meet the needs of the community.
Hoboken Revolt supports the City Council's request for such audits. Revolt encourages your administration to expedite the process of conducting audits and then promptly making the reports available for review by members of the public. Any completed audit reports should be released immediately to facilitate meaningful public discussion at the upcoming budget hearings.
The Hoboken Revolt Steering Committee anticipated with great interest the release of the Public Safety audit report last winter. The report recommended workforce reductions in the Police and Fire Departments by mid-2009. You yourself, as candidate for mayor last March, called for release of this audit report and Ms. Judy Tripodi indicated that the final report would be available to the City Council by April 1st. Nine months later, to our knowledge, the Public Safety audit report has yet to be released to the public.
Demotions occurred in the Fire Department, reportedly based upon the audit findings. An additional $800,000 in annualized savings was to be realized through the elimination of sixteen positions in the Police Department by the end of June. In his short tenure, then-mayor Cammarano delayed implementation of the Police Department reductions. The public has yet to hear of a new implementation plan.
Hoboken Revolt was informed that an audit of City Hall employees was conducted. We request that any such audit report be released. If no report is available, Hoboken Revolt requests a status report regarding any such audit.
Hoboken Revolt applauds the initial steps by the current administration to rein in Hoboken property taxes and we encourage you to continue your vigilance in pursuing this critical goal. Release of the Public Safety audit report as well as all other audit reports to the public will provide Hoboken residents with an understanding of the basis for the recomended staff adjustments. Such understanding should provide strong support for their implementation and will go a long way to demonstrating your commitment to government transparency.
Hoboken Revolt urges you to
1) release the Public Safety audit report;
2) release any audit report regarding City Hall employees or provide a status report regarding such audit;
3) if any audit report is solely in the possession of the State Monitor, join us in demanding the public release of all available information,
4) report to the public what steps your administrationis taking toward completion of forensic and efficiency audits of the city’s agencies and
departments and
5) commit to releasing such reports to the public as they become available.
The Hoboken Revolt Steering Committee
cc: Members of the Hoboken City Council:
Mr. Peter Cunningham
Ms. Carol Marsh
Mr. Ravinder Bhalla
Mr. David Mello
Ms. Theresa Castellano
Ms. Elizabeth Mason
Mr. Michael Russo
Mr. Michael Lenz
Mr. Angelo Giacchi
Ms. Judy Tripodi
Ms. Susan Jacobucci
My comment: I was wiling to have the State come in and right the City of Hoboken's finances. One of the deliverables that I was expected was some type of forensic audit to figure out if the City was using its resources wisely from an objective third party. I think that Revolt is on point here although they should not expect an immediate response since Dawn Zimmer is on vacation this week and Jimmy Farina is acting Mayor. Share your thoughts below. ◦
Hoboken Revolt Letter to Dawn Zimmer on the Operational Audits

Photos of the Day - Little Tiny Shoprite Park
Share your thoughts below.... ◦
Photos of the Day - Little Tiny Shoprite Park

Support the YMCA - Reader letter from Paul Somerville
Dear HobokenJournal Readers:
As the year winds down, lost in the blizzard of catalogues, cards and invitations that blow in through the mail slot each day, most of us will receive urgent solicitations from worthwhile organizations seeking our help before we all begin to say “twenty-ten” instead of “o-nine”. Such is our culture and its abundance. This letter is one of those appeals.
Struggling to meet the demands and obligations placed on our time and wallets all in the names of faith, fun and good cheer, it’s easy to forget that despite the economic downturn of the past year, there are many others in our community who are much less fortunate than most of us and dozens of them live at 1301 Washington Street in Hoboken - our YMCA. I’ve had the privilege of speaking with some of them and here is a brief snapshot of just two of these gentlemen:
With impeccable manners and a contagious, positive outlook, “Andrew” came to live in our town almost thirty years ago after losing a business and a significant relationship in Brooklyn. Seeking a place to re-build his life, he came to reside with us looking for, in his words, a new home that was “safe, quiet and affordable”. “Andrew” stated that he believes we are providing a necessary service and doesn’t know where he’d go if we did not offer housing as part of our continued mission. Taking advantage of our fitness center and other services, “Andrew” remembers fondly being regaled with stories by a retired merchant seaman and never tired from the retelling of his tales, recalled by the kind of character that was a vestige of Hoboken’s maritime history, many of whom chose to take advantage of our facility. Though the trades have changed, the need for this important rung on our local housing ladder is still here.
Displaced by one of the infamous fires in Hoboken in which he lost not only his home but family members too, “Vinny” moved in with us in 1985 and has stayed ever since. Born at Margaret Hague Hospital, “Vinny” lived all of his life in Hoboken. Retiring after his last place of employment closed, much older and unable to find work, he now spends his days playing basketball, taking advantage of the “meals on wheels” program and the holiday dinners we serve to our residents with the help and generosity of our local restaurants, dedicated staff and tireless board members.
But housing is not the only thing we do. After 127 years, we are one of the oldest social service organizations in Hudson County and no other charity does what we do as we strive to serve every segment of our population every day of the year including our “silver sneakers” program for senior citizens, teen center nights, summer camp, after-school programs and member- scholarships offered to qualified individuals and families.
These and other programs will be part of our renewed vision and renovated structure as we continue to be a significant contributor to the Hoboken-North Hudson community’s past, present and future. We’re hoping you will be a contributor too. Your tax-deductible donation is sorely needed and very much appreciated and can easily be made through our website at Thank you, dear friends and neighbors.
Paul J. Somerville
President, Board of Directors
Hoboken-North Hudson YMCA ◦
Support the YMCA - Reader letter from Paul Somerville

Sunday, December 27, 2009
Site Tutorial - Sign up for Comments Using Intense Debate
Here are your choices: You can use just a screen name, log in to Intense Debate and register, use Open id, Facebook, Twitter, or Wordpress accounts. Email is optional as well as website if you don't use the other five buttons as an option.
Update 11/21/2010: This tutorial can help you go from anonymous to having your own unique blogger identity. I recently re-enabled anonymous commenting to make it easier for newer readers to sign in. However, it always makes better dialogue when you know who you are talking to.
Furthermore, if signing up still proves to problematic there is one other option to give yourself an identity:
1) Select Name/URL option below
3) Type in your comment and click post comment button. That is it! Three easy steps.
Original Post 5/15/09:
I developed this tutorial to help people sign up for comments on this Site who want to post with a consistent screen name rather than anonymously. I recommend using or creating a Gmail account and then following these steps to be able to comment with an identity on my site. Sorry for not getting this done sooner.
Here is the tutorial on Slideshare:
Site Tutorial - Sign up for Comments Using Intense Debate

Saturday, December 26, 2009
Cat Lingo at Maxwells Sunday December 27th - 8th Annual Holiday Bash
Cat Lingo at Maxwells Sunday December 27th - 8th Annual Holiday Bash

Hoboken Photo of the Day - Near Sunset by Maxwell Park
Concrete Parks like the one at Maxwell place look a lot nicer when they are covered with snow. By now that snow has likely melted but the view is one constant that will always remain. Photo was taken Christmas Eve. ◦
Hoboken Photo of the Day - Near Sunset by Maxwell Park

Friday, December 25, 2009
SNL Parody of The Jersey Shore's "Snookie"
SNL Parody of The Jersey Shore's "Snookie"

Hoboken Photo of the Day - Snow covered field
Here is a photo I took uptown west around 12and 13th and Adams Street just yesterday. It shows a large snow covered field in the former industrial area that will someday probably be condos. The down economy will probably prevent that from happening too soon but the inevitable outcome is usually driven by developers and not what is in the best interest of the community.
Too bad the field was fenced in, I had plans to make a few 6'8" snow angels! :) ◦
Hoboken Photo of the Day - Snow covered field - Featuring the Creepiest of Santas - Featuring the Creepiest of Santas

Hulu Video - I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown
Hulu Video - I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown

City Budget Presentation Courtesy of Eric Kurta
City Budget Presentation Courtesy of Eric Kurta

Thursday, December 24, 2009
Now Playing at Clearview Cinemas - Avatar in 3D!
Location: 409-415 14th Street Hoboken, NJ 07030
Phone:(201) 710-5581
For the most up to date Showtimes click on this link below:
At Clearview Cinemas in Hoboken the following excellent movie is now playing in 3D; Avatar by James Cameron who also did the Terminator and Titanic films. Here is the trailer for the movie. My review of the movie is below:
Just on its technical merits alone Avatar is a must see movie or cinematic achievement that yet again sets the bar combining technology with innovation, and most importantly artistic vision. Director James Cameron has simply outdone himself this time. The visuals in this movie are for lack of any other word, breathtaking. The imaginary world of Pandora is brought to life via CGI and stop animation techniques in a way that has never been done this good before.
Fantastic creatures, phosphorescent plant life, mountain cloud islands, an intricate and neural eco-system as well as the details and features of the indigenous Na'vi make this movie a paradigm shifting visual treat. There is a compelling environmental and an anti-capitalist/colonial message as well. For those of you influenced by the anti-environmentalist rabble that is Glenn Beck, this message is not overdone but rather makes a compelling case for preserving the magical way of life that the Na'vi live, albeit fictional. At the end of the movie, because such a good job was done showing how special their relationship was with the land, I couldn't help but find myself rooting for the tall blue creatures by the middle of the movie at the expense of the ore coveting human antagonists.
For those of you who are history buffs, some of the issues about exploitation of indigenous peoples shown in the movie against the Na'vi remind me of the plight of Native Americans by the U.S. as portrayed in the book "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee" by Dee Brown. Here is a brief excerpt of the book on Wikipedia below:
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee expresses the American Indian perspective of the injustices and betrayals of the US government in its dealings with the Indians, which seemed continued efforts to destroy the culture, religion, and way of life of the people.
The book begins with the statement that Christopher Columbus had named the Native Americans "Indios" and with the differing dialects and accents of the Europeans to come, the word became known as Indians. Life as known to the indigenous people of the Americas would never be the same from the point of Columbus' arrival in the Americas in 1492.
Another movie the plot reminds me of is Dances with Wolves where Kevin Costner's character starts out as as a Union soldier but ends of up siding with the Native Americans in the end. In this movie the result is a little bit different. I'll stop here so as to avoid being a spoiler.
History lesson, environmental parables, and anti-colonial allegories aside, Avatar is a stunning cinematic achievement both visually and emotionally that will probably compel me to see it a second time. If you don't want to endure the long lines to the very large IMAX screen in Manhattan stay local instead and see it at Hoboken Clearview Cinemas. The sound and video were more than adequate to handle the demands that this movie brought to the screen. The 3D effects which were tastefully deployed in no way subtracted to the movie as one might have experienced with other 3D movies in the past. I give this movie a grade of an A-. ◦
Now Playing at Clearview Cinemas - Avatar in 3D!

Photos of the Day - NYC Times Square
Here are a few shots of New York City's Time Square area I took last week while finishing up my Christmas shopping. The place is always lit up like a Christmas tree 24-7 365 days a year. ◦
Photos of the Day - NYC Times Square

November Election Maps - Finally! - from Eric Kurta
View 2009 November Hoboken Mayoral Votes in a larger map
Zimmer - Green
Mason - Purple
Raia - Red
Glatt - Blue
Darker hue indicates greater margin of victory
Thanks go out to Eric Kurta for taking the time to compile and present this data for the Hoboken residents. ◦
November Election Maps - Finally! - from Eric Kurta

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
h-Mag- A new print and online alternative on Hoboken
Editor's Note: The statements below are from h-Mag and not from the editor of this blog. I am publishing this since I do not believe the online version of this magazine covers areas that this blog focuses. Even if it did I find I always find a little competition is healthy unlike one other website out there that preaches free market pro-business approach and then gets in a hissy fit when another blog starts up in Hoboken. I will place a wager that you won't see Hoboken 411 putting this up on their site. Care to bet? As one reader suggested perhaps I'm gracious but tis' the Season.
hMAG, Hoboken, New Jersey’s premier lifestyle magazine, releases its January/February 2010 issue featuring America’s Next Top Model Cycle 4 winner Naima Mora and her identical twin sister, Nia Mora, on the cover. One of the most memorable contestants from Top Model history, Mora and her sister were photographed by River Clark, sticking to the Valentine’s Day theme of the issue.
hMAG is a high end, bi-monthly magazine, celebrating local businesses, history, culture, fashion, and the arts with articles featuring the people who live and work in “The Mile Square”. 15,000 complimentary issues are distributed to every doorstep in town, in every room of the prestigious W Hotel, as well as at Path and Ferry stops during rush hour, and to over 100 retail establishments.
hMAG’s website, with social networking features reminiscent of Facebook, will also display the images of the Top Model and the feature story about Hoboken bakeries. The social networking features on the site are built around the magazine’s contents and are designed to connect registered members to the vast and diversified Hoboken community.
My comment: Yet another contender and alternative to the Hoboken web and print landscape. The field of Hoboken websites is starting to get crowded but so far I am pleased with my little niche of political coverage sprinkled with other events in Hoboken. Perhaps this new magazine and website will start to compete seriously with other blogs in town that rely on advertising. We will have to see how this plays out. ◦
h-Mag- A new print and online alternative on Hoboken

Mile Square View Profiles the Four Zoning Board Appointees
The Regulars
Nancy Pincus:
James Aibel:
The Alternates
Phil Cohen:
Mike Evers: ◦
Mile Square View Profiles the Four Zoning Board Appointees

US Census 2010- New Jersey projected to lose one Congressional Seat
Read the whole article on Bloomberg below:
My Comments: Look on the bright side, that will be one less congressman/woman and their staff and all the other expenses associated with that seat for New Jersey. :)
Also important to note is that all of the population gains went to southern and western states so New Jersey is not alone in this demographic shift. New York state also lost a seat as well. Texas gained the most number of seats at 4 new ones. This shift must have the Republicans hopeful in the near future with respect to electoral politics and the Presidency. ◦
US Census 2010- New Jersey projected to lose one Congressional Seat

Peter Cunningham on stopping PERC nominations
Further to my note the other day, yesterday Bloomberg had an interesting article on bond downgrades in New Jersey.
We are caught in a perfect storm with falling property values, reduced state aid and increased costs. With more than 50% of our budget tied to union contracts, WE NEED TO FOCUS ON OVERHAULING THE PENSIONS SYSTEM, to end waste and abuse in local government employee compensation and benefits. Time is of the essence as Corzine expects to make 180 appointments by year end with confirmation by the Senate as early as Jan 4th. Of those 180, 4 appointments will be made to the Public Employee Relations Commission (PERC) for the next 3 years. PERC ( opines on what is a reasonable burden of proof to change the pattern of union contracts and ridiculous and excessive compensation and benefits.
We must have new direction at PERC, and I have attached a form letter urging Cozine to rescind these appointments, candidates to withdrawal and State Senators to block the appointments. Please send to Gov. Corzine with copies to nominees and Gov elect, and re-tailor the letter to State Senators with copies again to nominees and Gov elect.
Here is the attached form letter:
My apologies for the last minute request, but we need immediate call for action to press for pension reform. The goal is to deliver at least 1,000 letters from Hoboken alone to make any kind of impact. And to keep track of this effort and it's success, please let me know if you will participate.,,, ,
(these folks can block the nominations)
Copy the nominees: (Adrienne Eaton) 216 Lawrence Ave, Highland Park, NJ 08904 (Sharon Krengel) (Ira Stern - Nominated for the Chair position) (Paula Voos)
Please pass this on and let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Special thanks to Donna Antonucci for spearheading this effort on behalf of Hoboken and all residents of New Jersey.
- Peter Cunningham
Hoboken 5th Ward Councilman
My comment: I had featured this request from Donna Antonucci in an earlier post and now 5th Ward councilman Peter Cunningham has decided to add his support to this effort. ◦
Peter Cunningham on stopping PERC nominations

Dino Sandwich and Cafe - New Hoboken Business
Dino Sandwich Cafe at 614 Washington Street looks closer and closer to opening up. I took a peek inside just yesterday and besides the expected offerings of sandwiches it looks like they will have Dino Style TV Dinners as well as dinners for the kids. The prices on some of the TV dinners started at $5.99 from what I could see so it remains to be seen if the portions would be "Jurassic sized" or not (playing to the Dino theme).
If the dinners are indeed of decent portion and properly cooked this could be a promising alternative out there in the Hoboken food-scape. Or, given the recent number newer choices in the midtown area get lost in all the competition.
The editor of this blog, me, Kurtasaurus Rex will at least give this place a shot when it opens. If the TV dinners turn out to be good this could be a nice convienience to the batchelor lifestyle that I do lead. Who wants to cook and wash dishes anyway? ◦
Dino Sandwich and Cafe - New Hoboken Business

Photo of the Day - Pier A Park
I took this photo about a month and a half ago down by pier A Park. The fall folliage Hoboken gets is not the same as the Adirondacks but at least we get some. ◦
Photo of the Day - Pier A Park

5th Ward Hoboken Councilman Peter Cunningham Gives Holiday Message
In short, it looks at a sample population of NJ municipalities and highlights the excessive waste and abuse of local government pension funds. The perks and benefits are unreal. Literally unreal...These costs make up a substantial part of the City's budget.
Please give it a read. There are anticipated changes in Trenton that may require letter writing to legislative leaders and the newly elected Gov to push for important changes and recognize the simply realities of today.
Thanks again for your interest, and please pass this around.
Happy Holidays to all.
Peter Cunningham
5th Ward Hoboken Councilman ◦
5th Ward Hoboken Councilman Peter Cunningham Gives Holiday Message

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Mayor Zimmer Announces Trenton’s Emergency Funding for Hoboken UMC
Mayor Zimmer Announces Trenton’s Emergency Funding for Hoboken UMC
Mayor Dawn Zimmer announced today that the City was informed by the New Jersey Department of Health and Human Services of an allocation of $7 million for the Hoboken University Medical Center from the State’s Health Care Stabilization Fund.
"This funding is very welcome news since it recognizes Hoboken UMC as an essential safety-net hospital and will allow much needed additional time to improve the hospital’s financial performance and pursue its recovery plan,” Mayor Zimmer commented. The Mayor added that more work needs to be done to ensure that the hospital will be financially self sufficient and she is confident the new CEO and his management team are taking all necessary steps to improve revenues and lower costs.
Mayor Zimmer and the hospital’s CEO, Spiros Hatiras, together thanked Governor Jon Corzine and Health Commissioner Heather Howard, as well as members of the Governor-elect Chris Christie Transition Team which supported the awards. She also expressed gratitude to Senator Robert Menendez, State Senator Brian Stack, Assemblyman Ruben Ramos, former State Senator Bernard Kenny and members of the Hoboken City Council for their advocacy and support of the hospital.
Mr. Hatiras previously announced a budget reduction plan with a goal of reaching a break-even financial result for 2010. The Stabilization Grant funding is a part of the recovery plan and does not lessen the need for the hospital to reduce its operating expenses.
He explained, “success of the plan will require shared sacrifice by everyone at the hospital; the senior management team has set an example and already taken a 10% salary decrease." Mayor Zimmer noted that Mr. Hatiras voluntarily led by taking a 15% reduction.
The financially struggling St. Mary Hospital was made a City entity in 2006. The City guaranteed $52,000,000 in bonds for capital projects starting with the new Emergency Room. Approximately $9 million has been used to fund operating expenses. The hospital lost $22.8 million in 2008 on a budget of $136,000,000.
Hoboken Municipal Hospital Authority Chairman Kevin Kramer expressed appreciation for Mayor Zimmer's advocacy on behalf of the hospital: "The Mayor's persistent hands-on lobbying for support was instrumental in getting this funding across the finish line."
My comment: This is great news on one hand as it at least gives the HUMC some time to regroup. Their cash on hand was approaching day to day if it was not already there. That organization must use this reprieve to cut total expenses by at least $1 million a month or this will end up being a case of throwing good money after bad. At least it won't be Hoboken taxpayer money and the worse case scenario would at least push back the possibility of the Hospital folding for most of 2010 if not all of it.
Time will tell if this money was a wise use of State money or not. Here is hoping that the current management can make it work. Kudos to the Zimmer Administration for giving the hospital one more chance by helping get this money. There were many others that she thanked in helping get the stabilization grant and they get my thanks as well. Keep in mind the HUMC will have to change its business model in order to survive long term by at least breaking even. The challenges are still there. ◦
Mayor Zimmer Announces Trenton’s Emergency Funding for Hoboken UMC

N.J. Leads Municipal Bond Downgrades as Aid Shrinks
Moody’s Investors Service cut ratings on $592 million in general obligation debt issued by 14 municipalities since October, about four times the rate for neighboring New York, the second-most indebted state, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. New Jersey’s per-capita personal income of $51,358 last year was exceeded only by Connecticut, according to the U.S. Commerce Department’s Bureau of Economic Analysis.
To read the full article go here:
My comment: Sorry for all the bad fiscal news today. Maybe at least the liquor stores will get an uptick in sales after all this bad news sinks in when you think about paying your 2010 tax bills. Not to heap it on any further but the article went on to state that New Jersey’s average $7,045 property tax in 2008 was the nation’s highest and 25 percent above the 2004 average of $5,617.
Here is the source of that tidbit from the state Department of Community Affairs: ◦
N.J. Leads Municipal Bond Downgrades as Aid Shrinks

Grafix Avenger Strikes Again- This time the target is the Hoboken Journal
Just in fun. Merry Christmas and a happy new year for 2010. ◦
Grafix Avenger Strikes Again- This time the target is the Hoboken Journal

Stevens Institute is Beset by Accusations according to NY Times
The New York Times has coverage of this event today amd here are two brief excerpts from the article:
The institute’s trustees tripled Dr. Raveché’s salary over a decade, to $1.1 million last year, higher than presidential salaries at Harvard, M.I.T. and Princeton, and, the lawsuit says, Stevens used multiple sets of books to hide its deteriorating financial condition.
“We found extensive misconduct going back years, a pattern of misinformation to the board and misuse of the endowment,” the attorney general, Anne Milgram, said in an interview this month. “Stevens Institute needs real reform.”
Jack B. Siegel, a Chicago lawyer who follows nonprofit cases nationwide, called the allegations against Stevens “the case of the year” because, unlike previous campus scandals focusing on presidents’ salaries or spending, the case against Stevens outlines a sweeping list of accusations.
“You’ve got allegations involving excessive compensation, but also abuse of the endowment, keeping two sets of books, misleading the board and forgiveness of below-market-rate loans,” Mr. Siegel said. “The entire process of oversight looks tainted. You rarely see a case this extreme.”
Here is the entire NY Times article by Sam Dillon:
NY Times - Stevens Is Beset by Accusations
My comment: It is now apparent that two major employers in Hoboken are now in some financial trouble. They are the Stevens Institute and the HUMC. The process of justice must take its course but the evidence uncovered so far could mean larger financial problems down the line for the university. How much more bad financial news can Hoboken take? ◦
Stevens Institute is Beset by Accusations according to NY Times

Holy Carbon Footprint Batman! Dogs Carbon Pawprint Double that of SUVs
The Vales, specialists in sustainable living at Victoria University of Wellington, analysed popular brands of pet food and calculated that a medium-sized dog eats around 164 kilos (360 pounds) of meat and 95 kilos of cereal a year.
Combine the land required to generate its food and a "medium" sized dog has an annual footprint of 0.84 hectares (2.07 acres) -- around twice the 0.41 hectares required by a 4x4 driving 10,000 kilometres (6,200 miles) a year, including energy to build the car.
To confirm the results, the New Scientist magazine asked John Barrett at the Stockholm Environment Institute in York, Britain, to calculate eco-pawprints based on his own data. The results were essentially the same.
"Owning a dog really is quite an extravagance, mainly because of the carbon footprint of meat," Barrett said.
To read the full post click on the link below:
My comment: This study has already stoked the ire of some pet owners who understandably have many reasons for owning their pets. The initial study has been confirmed by at least one other source with similar results. The goal of these scientists is to present of full cycle analysis of what it takes to sustain pets. This isn't surprising to me since there are previous studies that indicate a change in the American diet away from beef would result in a reduced carbon footprint due to the high environmental costs of raising beef.
There is an irony of sorts in this in that many environmentalists are also avid pet owners. I'm certainly not asking pet owners to give up their pets but just pointing out the environmental cost of domestic pet ownership. Share your thoughts below..... ◦
Holy Carbon Footprint Batman! Dogs Carbon Pawprint Double that of SUVs

Hundreds Vaccinated at City’s H1N1 (Swine Flu) Clinic Held at HUMC
Hundreds Vaccinated at City’s H1N1 (Swine Flu) Clinic Held at HUMC
Hundreds of people took advantage of the City of Hoboken’s H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination Clinic, which was held at the Hoboken University Medical Center (HUMC) on Saturday, December 19th, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. “The people who put this clinic together should be commended,” said Anthony Oland, who came to get vaccinated along with his two-year-old son Charlie, five-year-old daughter Isabella, and wife Susan Icklan. “Everyone is so professional and attentive.” The clinic was the latest event in the City’s ongoing efforts to help vaccinate members of the community against the H1N1 (Swine Flu) virus.
Hundreds Vaccinated at City’s H1N1 (Swine Flu) Clinic Held at HUMC

Christmas 2009 at the Hoboken Shelter - How to Volunteer
Hoboken, NJ 07030
Volunteers are welcome from 12pm to 8pm.
The schedule of activities is as follows:
12:00pm-7:00pm: Board Games and Social Time
1:30pm-2:00pm: Christmas Lunch
3:00pm-5:00pm: Movie
7:30pm-8:00pm: Christmas Dinner
The Hoboken Shelter can always use the following:
Hot Cups, Paper/Plastic Plates, Plastic Utensils, and Napkins. Thank You!
The Hoboken Shelter
Purpose: The mission of the Hoboken Shelter is to prevent homelessness and to assist homeless men and women re-integrate into the community.
Address: 300 Bloomfield Street, Hoboken NJ 07030
On-line donations (via Guidestar), please click: ◦
Christmas 2009 at the Hoboken Shelter - How to Volunteer

Philadelphia Eagles Fans at it Again!
Here is the reference to the 1968 incident from the NY Times:
An another article from indicating as urban ledgends go that it is indeed true:
This last weekend the fans from "The City of Brotherly Love" were at it again. This time two San Francisco 49ers fans apparently ran their mouths off enough to deserve this snowball bombardment from the fans in that area of the stadium. The Eagles won last Sunday's game 27-13 convincingly over the 49ers. You can't chalk this outburst up to frustration.
Here is the Youtube video captioned "The Philadelphia Eagles fans let two misguided 49ers supporters know what its like in our house":
As a Giants fan I have been rooting for the Eagles when not playing against the Giants just as a hedge so that the Dallas Cowboys have less a shot at the division. For me it is ABD (anybody for Dallas) so I don't have antipathy for Philly fans but I do marvel at their toughness. Share your thoughts below. ◦
Philadelphia Eagles Fans at it Again!

Monday, December 21, 2009
Jubilee Center Fundraiser upcoming Janauary 15, 2010 at Amanda's
Phone: 201-792-0340 (
Jubilee Center Fundraiser upcoming Janauary 15, 2010 at Amanda's