There is a another phone poll out there that started yesterday in Hoboken. A group called "Citizens for Sensible Development" called me on my cell phone and ask if I knew about tonight's City Council meeting and the Western Edge Development Plan and I answered yes.
The pollster then went on to describe the plan as adding 400,000 square feet of commercial space and that Mike Lenz will be considering voting on it this evening.
I asked the pollster where this group was located and he said Hoboken. That is interesting since I had another source get the same poll but it mentioned Ravi Bhalla instead of Mike Lenz. My source said he asked his pollster (a woman who had a distinct southern accent) and she said the organization was located down south. The source further asked if this organization was part of a PAC or political party and the pollster became evasive.
The final question was "Do you think there should be more information that should be given to the public before voting on this initiative?". I answered yes to see what would happen next. I again tried to query the pollster more on the nature of his organization but to no avail. He then asked me if I would like to be patched in to Mike Lenz. I was eventually transferred to Mike Lenz's phone and I left him a brief message that it was me being redirected from a phone poll.
I do not know who is behind this initiative but who ever it is has money. Phone polls such as this are very expensive so it is unlikely that it could be some grass roots citizen organization but not impossible. So the question remains is who or what organization is behind this poll?
Looking at this with some experience of observing political events in Hoboken leaves me to conclude that developer dollars are in play in Hoboken as much is at stake for them financially. Not just with this project but many others as well. In addition the 4th Ward election may determine 3 zoning board seats come December of this year so a lot is a stake for developers to get "their man" into office to regain the City Council majority. I can tell you one thing, "their man" is not Mike Lenz. He is for sensible and balanced development.
Question: Do you think it is wrong for a phone poll to spam City Council members on their personal phone lines? Or is that acceptable and part of a City Council person's job? Do you think the poll is out of genuine concerns or an attempt to be political to undermine the City Council majority or the Mayor? Share your thoughts below..... ◦