The other concern voiced was that of open space. Councilman Cunningham commented that the Henkel Site is on his and the Administration's radar and is about 6 acres. It is a contaminated site and would have to be re-mediated but that makes it ideal for a park
Mike Lenz was the first to make a motion to table the resolution and it was voted down 9-0. So much for conspiracy theory that the City Council majority always being in lock step with the Mayor.
The Western Edge plan was added to the City Council meeting this week but the original purpose of the meeting implement the budget and that had to be noticed well in advance. The budget amendments went through at the end of the meeting. Once again the public was informed that the amount of money that was availability was less than $20 million. That does not stop some people from telling the same lies over and over again.
It was that very lie telling that prompted blogger Roman Brice of MSV blog to speak up at the end of the meeting. The look of shock on some members of the City Council was entertaining to me since I think it caught the Council of No by surprise. Also, there was no action on the police item on the agenda. Approvals have to be completed first before they can go to the City Council.