Thursday, September 30, 2010

Photo Caption Contest - Lane Bajardi and Beth Mason

I have some ideas but I am not tipping my hat quite yet as to what captions to add to the following photo from last night's City Council meeting. Lane Bajardi left speaks while his political ally and Mayor/queen in exile, the out-spatula-ed 2nd Ward Councilwoman Beth Mason looks on as her liege spouts off his usual clap-trap on the Municipal Garage.

Attention Readers: Come up with something creative in the comments and receive adoration from your fellow Hobokenites. Sorry, no cash reward, I am saving that for Operation Bounty. A clean election is my priority this fall. After all there is not much hope in cleaning up the dialogue in city council meetings so feel free to have some fun below. Satire really can fluster your opponents. Just ask Al Sullivan. 

Lane Bajardi left, Beth Mason right - add your caption in the comments below and make us laugh
