At the next Council meeting on February 16, 2011, the City Council will consider a resolution to award a contract to Wallace Roberts & Todd, LLC to conduct the redevelopment plan for Hoboken Terminal & Rail Yards.

“Hoboken needs balanced development that reflects the vision of our community and puts our needs first,” said Mayor Dawn Zimmer. “That is why I have strongly advocated for selecting and paying for a planner ourselves, so there is no doubt about whose interests they represent. I am glad we are making real progress in that direction.”
Following a Request for Qualifications process initiated by Mayor Zimmer and led by Community Development Director Brandy Forbes, the firm was unanimously recommended by a review team composed of the City Council’s Planning, Zoning and Economic Development Subcommittee, the Community Development Director, a member of the Quality of Life Coalition, and a member of the Hoboken Rail Yards Task Force, a community group.
The City Council’s Planning, Zoning and Economic Development Subcommittee agreed to recommend awarding the contract to Wallace Roberts & Todd, LLC to conduct the redevelopment plan for the Phase I scope of work for an amount not to exceed $77,000.00. While the entire NJ Transit redevelopment area is 52 acres in size, the first phase of the project encompasses a 1.8 acre portion along Hudson Place.
Mayor Zimmer continues efforts to negotiate an agreement with NJ Transit to clarify that the City has authority over the redevelopment process for the entire 52-acre project. However, she repeated her previously stated view that in the absence of a signed agreement with NJ Transit ensuring that the City has final authority to approve or disapprove any proposed project for the 52-acre site, she adamantly opposes moving forward in a piecemeal manner.
Click below to view the Request for Qualifications response submitted by Wallace Roberts & Todd:
Link: ◦