HOBOKEN--Fiscal Monitor Judy Tripodi said today that her conversation with the Hoboken Reporter about releasing the budget was referring to when it becomes ready for introduction, but not before that time.
Tripodi said she was misrepresented by the below post and that she agrees with Acting Mayor Dawn Zimmer's stance that the budget should not be made public until the administration has completed its work."She's waiting on me," Tripodi said, referring to the acting mayor. "To release any portion of it would be bedlam.
I'm not creating that havoc."When commenting about release of the budget not having an effect on negotiations, Tripodi was referring to the administration's completed budget, set to be release in November.
Tripodi said any council members who are claiming they don't know about the budget are lying.
Read the rest here:
I can collaborate this story as well. I spoke with Vince Lombardi, President of the PBA, as well on the process yesterday while waiting for the Phelps protesters to arrive in front of City Hall. I did not ask Vince about specifics of negotiations but he emphasized that those negotiations were done outside of the Mayor's control and he stated that Hoboken residents have to be patient with the process that is between the State Monitor's negotiators and the Union Representatives. He added that he believed that people were using the confidentiality of the process politically. He also emphasized the negotiations were moving forward and resolution could come soon with the unions and City but specifics could not be released until negotiations were finalized.
I find Vince to be a very straight up man who tells it like it is so I consider him to be a very reliable source.
Furthermore, this story is also collborated from a post yesterday from the Mile Square View:
A hat tip for "Da Horsey" for breaking this exclusive. It is good to see it is also followed up on in the Hoboken Reporter.
My last comment: So Lane Bajardi, it looks like the sham is on you. What will you do with yourself if/when Beth comes in 3rd or 4th place? Tell your bosom buddy Herr Klaussen the cropping Dawn's supporters photo doesn't actually reduce Dawn Zimmer's support. But I guess both you and he have a tough time with reality these days. I'll be sure to swing by with my camera this time after yet another dirty and failed campaign's results come in.
The good news is that if Judy Tripodi is right, our taxes will go down so at least we can share in that victory. That is the extent of the olive branch that I can extend at this time. I do understand that desperate campaigns can do desperate things at times (where is a Peter Cammarano dead beat story when you need one) but at some point I hope that you stop being such a partisan hack/stealth blogger and seek the truth once and get back on the right side of the issues rather than the Cult of Purple Personalities. ◦
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