Friday, August 13, 2010

JIb Jab Friday is Back - Unnecessary Farce?

I figured that for better or worse it was time to bring back Jib Jab Fridays. This is especially timely given the nasty display of a certain public figure at the last City Council meeting who was asked to leave the meeting based on his contemptuous conduct. He didn't. Just goes to show that you can put a a suit on pig but apparently the pig will still roll in his own mud.

This "Unnecessary Force" Jib Jab Spoof on Hoboken politics from Hoboken Journal wonders what would happen if we had the unlikely pairing of Lane Bajardi and blogger Roman Brice teaming up to fight a crime wave in Hoboken. The results are comically amusing IMHO. Watch for yourself.

Hobroken 411 cyber-fuhrer Perry Klaussen, Beth Mason, blogger Grafix Avenger and yours truly Kurt Gardiner make cameo appearances as well. As Russell Crowe once said in the movie Gladiator: "Are you not entertained?"
