Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Mayor Zimmer's Two New Appointments Shenkler and Tooke

Friday, August 26, 2011
The Boken Online is Now Your #1 Source for Hurricane Irene in Hoboken
The Boken Online is Now Your #1 Source for Hurricane Irene in Hoboken

Thursday, August 25, 2011
City of Hoboken Settles Municipal Garage Lawsuit
The City of Hoboken and SHG announced today that they had reached an agreement to settle pending litigation arising out of the termination of the purchase and sale agreement relating to Hoboken’s Municipal Garage. The settlement provides for return to SHG of their $2,550,000 deposit, which has been held in escrow since the original agreement was entered into on June, 2008. Each party will bear its own legal fees and costs incurred in connection with the transaction and ensuing litigation. In addition, as part of the settlement, SHG would waive its claim for a return of its $200,000 redevelopment fee.
“This Agreement will allow the City of Hoboken to move forward with its long term plan to relocate the Municipal Garage to a non-residential area,” said Mayor Dawn Zimmer.
Both Hoboken and SHG hold each other in high regard and may work together on future projects, including the Municipal Garage.
My Comment: So much for the hyperbole of Mason political operative and alleged ghost writing minion of Hoboken 411 Lane Bajardi, who repeatedly and belabored the point that Zimmer was costing the City $25 million dollars. The only cost incurred was the legal fees that the city had to spend and SHG appropriately got their deposit back. While the Mayor's handling of the garage issue was far from perfect we now have a garage until a better site can be located. Not one member of the "loyal opposition" came up with a workable alternative to the current site. Not one. The City may hold SHG in high regard but I sure won't until they can demonstrate they can enter into an agreement with the city that doesn't land up in court.
City of Hoboken Settles Municipal Garage Lawsuit

City of Hoboken Advisory: Residents Urged to Prepare for Hurricane Irene
City of Hoboken Advisory: Residents Urged to Prepare for Hurricane Irene
As Hurricane Irene approaches, residents are strongly urged to take precautions and consider leaving Hoboken. Governor Chris Christie has declared a state of emergency for the State of New Jersey and is urging residents to leave shore areas.
Flooding Information
According to the SLOSH (Sea, Lake and Overland Surges from Hurricanes) model for Hoboken Hoboken (see map here: http://www.hobokennj.org/content/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/hobokenslosh.jpg), the potential storm surge in the case of a direct hit from a Category 1 hurricane could result in flooding for most areas west of Garden Street (red areas in the graphic). Only areas near Washington Street and the Stevens campus are outside of the storm surge region for a Category 2 hurricane (orange areas). For this reason, even residents who live in areas that do not typically flood are strongly urged to prepare for flooding and consider leaving Hoboken.
Parking Information
The Hoboken Parking Utility typically offers free parking to residents in flood prone areas during severe rain/snow events when and if a storm is imminent. For weather due to Hurricane Irene, we expect to make such an announcement late Friday or Saturday based on the storm’s location; however, residents who wish to park in a municipal garage earlier may do so immediately with the “Vacation Spot” program at a reduced rate of $5/day. Come to the Hoboken Parking Utility office at City Hall and provide the same documentation as required for a Resident parking permit; namely, a New Jersey driver’s license and vehicle registration both with your name and Hoboken address. You will receive a “Visitor parking permit” that indicates validity in “Garage B” (located on 2nd Street between Hudson and River streets) only and the dates the permit is valid. If you do not have the standard documentation listed above, please see the requirements for a “Temporary parking permit” detailed here: http://www.hobokennj.org/departments/transportation-parking/permits/
Residents are advised to monitor news and weather reports and check the City website, http://www.hobokennj.org for updates. Residents may sign up for email or text updates and alerts from the City of Hoboken by visiting: http://local.nixle.com/city-of-hoboken/
Emergency Contact Information
- Police: 201-420-2100
- Fire: 201-420-2005/2007
- Emergency Operations Center information line: 201-239-6643/6644
Emergency Supply Kit
It is imperative that residents prepare now in case of an emergency. This means having your own food, water, and other supplies in sufficient quantity to last for at least three days. FEMA recommends the following items to include in a basic emergency supply kit:
- Water, one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days, for drinking and sanitation
- Food, at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food
- Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert and extra batteries for both
- Flashlight and extra batteries
- First aid kit
- Whistle to signal for help
- Dust mask, to help filter contaminated air and plastic sheeting and duct tape to shelter-in-place
- Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation
- Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
- Can opener for food (if kit contains canned food)
- Local maps
- Cell phone with chargers, inverter or solar charger
City of Hoboken Advisory: Residents Urged to Prepare for Hurricane Irene

City Council Recap: Bike Hoboken Batman, and Robin get Bike Lanes for Hoboken!
Hoboken Batman and Robin before the City Council meeting |
Members of Bike Hoboken at City Council meeting |
Last night the Hoboken City Council unanimously passed an Ordinance to put more bike lanes in Hoboken. This initiative was supported by Bike Hoboken who had a turnout of about 20 people donning bike helmets as well as superhero support from Batman and Robin.
Here is the announcement from the City of Hoboken as this was an initiative that was supported by the current Administration.
Nearly 80% of streets will have bike lane designation
Batman and Robin Celebrate justice and a victory for Hoboken Cyclists! |
City Council Recap: Bike Hoboken Batman, and Robin get Bike Lanes for Hoboken!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Hoboken Urges Residents to Prepare for Hurricane Irene and Consider Leaving Town if Possible
The City of Hoboken is making preparations for the potential impacts of Hurricane Irene, which is currently forecast to reach the Northeast as a Category 2 hurricane between late Saturday and Monday. Residents are strongly urged to be prepared.
“If we are hit by a hurricane – even a Category 1 – the flooding can be very widespread and severe,” said Mayor Dawn Zimmer. “Even areas of Hoboken that don’t normally flood could be under many feet of water, so residents need to prepare now and be ready to move their vehicles to higher ground or out of town if necessary. We will continue to monitor the situation as the storm progresses, and if conditions warrant it, will call for an evacuation, but at this time we are asking residents with family or friends in the area or the ability to stay elsewhere to consider leaving town early for the weekend. This is a threat that residents must take seriously.”
Emergency evacuation shelters at the Wallace School and Hoboken High School are stocked with water and cots. Generators are in place for running emergency operations if needed. North Hudson Sewerage Authority is inspecting pumps and clearing catch basins. Evacuation plans have been reviewed and are in place if necessary.
Residents are advised to monitor conditions and be prepared for the possibility of severe flooding, high winds, and loss of electricity. Residents should seriously consider moving their vehicles outside of Hoboken and should be prepared to evacuate if an evacuation order is issued. At this time, the City is asking residents with the ability to stay at another location outside of Hoboken to consider doing so.
A hurricane or tropical storm will result in very severe and widespread flooding in Hoboken, including in areas that do not typically flood during heavy rains. Vehicles parked on streets or garages may be inaccessible for several hours or days until flooding recedes. Residents are urged to park their vehicles on higher ground or in upper levels of garages, however in the case of a tropical storm or hurricane, the safest option to avoid flood damage to vehicles is to park outside of Hoboken. Residents who are able to stay with friends or relatives are urged to consider leaving town early for the weekend.
- Due to the possibility for high winds, residents should bring in unsecured objects from patios and balconies and secure outdoor objects such as lawn furniture or garbage cans that could blow away and cause damage or injury.
- Residents are suggested to maintain 72 hours of non-perishable food and water in their homes and any necessary medication in the event of an emergency.
- Senior citizens and others with special needs (such as the need for electrical medical equipment) who many need assistance with evacuation are asked to notify the Emergency Operations Center as soon as possible by calling 201-239-6643/6644. The EOC will be open 24 hours a day as of 9am on Thursday, August 25th. For emergencies, residents should call 911 or the Hoboken Police Department at 201-420-2100 and Hoboken Fire Department at 201-420-2005/2007.
- Residents may sign up for email or text updates and alerts from the City of Hoboken by visiting: http://local.nixle.com/city-of-hoboken/
- The Federal Emergency Management Agency has additional information on preparing for hurricanes: http://www.ready.gov/america/beinformed/hurricanes.html
Link: http://www.hobokennj.org/news/hoboken-urges-residents-to-prepare-for-hurricane-irene-consider-leaving-town-if-possible/ ◦
Hoboken Urges Residents to Prepare for Hurricane Irene and Consider Leaving Town if Possible

Hoboken City Council Meeting Tonight at 7PM
Resolutions: http://www.hobokennj.org/docs/council/respack11/updated-respac-08-24-11.pdf
Second Reading/Public Hearing And Final Vote...
- An Ordinance To Amend And Supplement Article XXXIIIOf Chapter 190 Of The Administrative Code Of The City Of Hoboken Entitled “Vehicles And Traffic” – Bicycle Lanes (Z-125) (Sponsored By Councilman Mello, Seconded By Councilman Cunningham)
- An Ordinance To Establish Parking Fees At Municipal Garages (Z-113) (Sponsored By Councilman Russo And Seconded By Councilwoman Castellano)
- An Ordinance Establishing Chapter 20d Of The Administrative Code Of The City Of Hoboken Entitled “Political Contribution Limits” (A) (Z-114) (Sponsored By Councilman Cunningham And Seconded By Councilman Bhalla)
- An Ordinance Establishing Chapter 20d Of The Administrative Code Of The City Of Hoboken Entitled “Political Contribution Limits” (B) (Z-115) (Sponsored By Councilman Cunningham And Seconded By Councilman Bhalla)
- An Ordinance To Amend The Table Of Organization For Police And Fire Under Chapter 59a Entitled “Department Of Public Safety” (Z-121) (Sponsored By Councilman Bhalla And Seconded By Councilman Cunningham)
- An Ordinance To Amend Article VIIOf Chapter 6 Of The Administrative Code Of The City Of Hoboken, Entitled “Residency Requirements” (Z-123) (Sponsored By Councilman Cunningham, Seconded By Councilman Mello)
- An Ordinance To Amend Section 39-8.1 Entitled “Fees” Within Chapter 39 Entitled “Department Of Human Services” (Z-124) (Sponsored By Councilman Cunningham, Seconded By Councilwoman Giattino) · An Ordinance To Amend And Supplement Chapter 192 Of The Code Of The City Of Hoboken Entitled (Parking For Handicapped) Re: 1231 Park Ave., 406 Adams St., 213 Adams St., 112 Washington St., 624 Park Ave., 1000 Hudson St. (Z-126) (Sponsored By Councilman Mello, Seconded By Councilman Cunningham)
Hoboken City Council Meeting Tonight at 7PM

Stevens Solar Decathalon Banquet Recap 8/23 in Hoboken
Last night, on the waterfront in the parking lot on the Stevens Institute campus, a celebration was held to commemorate a partnership of the followings schools, Parson's School of Design, Stevens Institute, and the Milano School of International Relations in their partnership for the 2011 Solar Decathlon in Washington DC. The banquet consisted of several speakers from the Institutions as well as the Mayor of Hoboken Dawn Zimmer, a nice spread of food and a tour of the super energy efficient house that this team is entering into this years competition down in Washington DC coming very soon.
I spoke with Peter Russell who is a Stevens Institute and lead faculty on the project. He touched on many aspect of this project such as sustainability, affordability and community input and cost considerations. In addition to being a model or prototype for the future's energy efficent homes, there is a very touching human side to this story as well. Through Habitat for Humanity, a working single mom with three young children will get this home in the DC area.
This home will be dismantled and put onto three seperate trucks and hauled down to Washington DC for the 10th annual Solar Decathlon. The team will have only 7 days to assemle the home and finalize the interior and exterior. There will be a workshop this Thursday at 6:30 on the waterfront to showcase the home before it is shipped off. To attend you must RSVP at the following web address: www.stevens.edu/solarworkshop.
For more information about the 2011 Solar Decathlon go this link: 2011 Solar Decathlon
Below are some photos and videos of the speakers at last night's party....
Various speakers on the Solar Decathlon Celebration 8-23-2011:
Mayor Dawn Zimmer on the Solar Decathlon Celebration 8-23-2011: ◦
Stevens Solar Decathalon Banquet Recap 8/23 in Hoboken

Mayor Zimmer Provides Updates On Various Issues
Dear City Council Members:
- Average Speed: 34 mph
- 85th Percentile Speed: 39 mph
- Percentage traveling over 25 mph 95.6%
- Percentage traveling over 30 mph 78.0%
- Percentage traveling over 35 mph 37.4%
- Percentage traveling over 40 mph 8.4%

The agenda contains a resolution to approve approximately $48,000 in funding for the YMCA. This funding would come from our affordable housing fund which has a balance of $72,663.19 and which is not designated for any other use. These funds may only be used for affordable housing projects such as this one. The YMCA is seeking this bridge funding in order to close on the financing for the project which will create 96 single-room occupancy units of low and moderate income housing. Please review the attached memo from our redevelopment counsel for additional information.
A resolution would also approve an application to COAH to request that the balance of our affordable housing funds be reallocated towards supporting the Hoboken Shelter. The shelter plays a critical role in our community, providing hundreds of meals every day, shelter for dozens every night, and valuable counseling and job training. Due to the economy, more families than ever are turning to them for help.
We are also entering into a shared service agreement with Hoboken Charter and Elysian Charter to allow them to use the gym in the Multi-Service Center, and we are providing funding for the Jubilee Center, United Cerebral Palsy, HOPES, Nuestros Ninos, Miles Square Funding, Day Care 100, Hoboken Family Planning, and the Boys & Girls Club of Hudson County.
Green Initiatives
Green Team
As part of our effort to attain Sustainable Jersey certification for Hoboken, we are required to establish a Green Team. I will be appointing members of the public as well as my Administration to the team, which will be tasked with leading and coordinating sustainability initiatives in our community. I welcome recommendations from the Council and the community. Residents interested in being considered for the Green Team should email Daniel Bryan (dbryan@hobokennj.org) with a resume and expression of interest.
Bike Lanes
An ordinance up for second reading would establish 10 miles of new striped bicycle lanes throughout Hoboken. The designated streets are all wide enough to accommodate a bike lane without eliminating any parking or travel lanes. Bike lanes have been demonstrated to be an effective, low-cost traffic calming measure. Hoboken streets with bike lanes have speeds approximately 4mph lower than similar streets without bike lanes. Hoboken is a flat, compact City that is ideal for bicycling. I urge you to support this effort to make our City greener, safer, and healthier.
City Charter
Recently, while doing research as part of the codification process to bring our code up to date, Business Administrator Liston discovered there was no charter in our code book. The City Clerk office was asked to research the issue as well, but also could not find the charter. While the City’s charter was established in 1952, it was apparently never codified previously. When our legal counsel drafted the charter, it was based on the Council’s recent passage of legislation moving elections to November. However we have since revised the dates in the charter to reflect the fact that the signatures to hold a referendum on changing the election date were recently approved by the Clerk’s office.
New Jersey Symphony Orchestra Concert
Last week hundreds of residents came out to enjoy the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra play a free evening open air concert on Pier A. The City sponsored this event from the Cultural Affairs trust fund and helped offset the $50,000 cost with more than $35,000 in donations from sponsors. Based on the unanimously positive response from the community, we hope to make this an annual tradition.
Mayor Dawn Zimmer ◦
Mayor Zimmer Provides Updates On Various Issues

Tuesday, August 23, 2011
City of Hoboken Earthquake Information
According to the U.S. Geological Survey, a 5.8 magnitude earthquake struck in Northern Virginia at 1:53pm. Tremors were felt in Hoboken. Residents should be mindful that aftershocks may occur over the next few hours. Residents with concerns or reports of damage can call the Police Department at 201-420-2100. ◦
City of Hoboken Earthquake Information

Hoboken 411 Reader Rebels
Hoboken 411 Reader Rebels

Solar Photovoltaic Installation Workshop at Stevens Thursday August 25 at 6:30pm
Stevens Institute and Empowerhouse, the joint 2011 Solar Decathlon project developed by Stevens and The New School, are hosting a workshop on grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) installations. The workshop will begin at 6:30pm on Thursday, August 25, in Hoboken, NJ.

"This workshop capitalizes on the Empowerhouse team's emphasis on a collaborative environment and community involvement," says Dr. Keith Sheppard, Associate Dean of Engineering and Science at Stevens. "The speakers are all engaged in solar power and other high-efficiency energy installations at the University and elsewhere."
The scheduled speakers are:
- Keith Sheppard, Assoc. Dean, School of Engineering and Science, Stevens
- Chris Steffens, Empowerhouse Faculty, Parsons The New School for Design
- David Vaccari, Dept. Director, Civil, Environmental and Ocean Engineering, Stevens
- Mark Byrd, HVAC Manager, Stevens Institute of Technology
- Ron Reisman, Renewable Energy Program Manager, NJ Clean Energy Program
- Andres Salas, Renewable and Energy Solutions, PSE&G
The workshop runs from 6:30-8:30pm on August 25. RSVP is required for attendance. Participants should register and can find additional information and directions at www.stevens.edu/solarworkshop. ◦
Solar Photovoltaic Installation Workshop at Stevens Thursday August 25 at 6:30pm

Sunday, August 21, 2011
"Loyal Opposition" Plays Hard Ball
With that said, here is the latest JibJab featuring certain key players on the Pittsburgh Pirates playing hardball. If you have to ask why I selected the Pirates you haven't been following Hoboken politics too closely. But that's ok. Hoboken is great in spite of its politics. Production Note: Mike Russo is the pitcher and Lane Bajardi the catcher because if the FBI should come knocking with more than just a courtesy call, at only 5'4", the Channel 78 anchorman's estimated stature, we all know who will be doing the "catching" at Club Fed.
"Loyal Opposition" Plays Hard Ball

Friday, August 19, 2011
Ba-jardi Ba-reaking? Little Weasel Calls Cop on Hoboken Journal
These were the photos I was taking last night. Does anyone see Lane Bajardi's family? I sure as hell don't. |
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Courtesy of MSV |
Lane Bajardi in my opinion is a public figure and a possibly paid purple pillow plopping political operative. I have every right to take photos in public City Council and generally at public events. The difference between Lane and myself I won't do it purportedly hiding behind Hoboken 411 (opinion) as a ghost writer like some sniveling little weasel. Lane Bajardi sure can dish it out but he sure as hell can't take it.
At this point Hoboken police officers should be instructed not to bother with complaints from Lane Bajardi when new media citizens are trying to cover public events.The police have better use for their time than listen to some paranoid delusional setting them on a wild goose chase. Unless someone can show me a local ordinance, this is simply out of jurisdiction.
Besides. I have plenty of good photos of Lane Bajardi already. I don't even have to take them myself.
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Photoshop courtesy of Grafix Avenger |
- Kurt ◦
Ba-jardi Ba-reaking? Little Weasel Calls Cop on Hoboken Journal

Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Hoboken Prepares for 10th Anniversary of September 11th
The Hoboken community will come together to share in its Annual September 11th Interfaith Memorial Service for the victims, their families, the City of Hoboken, and the entire nation. This year’s theme will be “A Time To Come Together, A Time To Remember.” Fifty seven Hoboken residents were lost on September 11, 2001.
The service will take place on Sunday, September 11th at 6:00 pm. City officials, the Hoboken Clergy Coalition, and various community organizations will share in this remembrance on the southeast corner of Hoboken’s Pier A Park – the site of a makeshift memorial on September 11, 2001.
Following the memorial ceremony, Pier A will also be the site of an NFL tribute.
In addition to the memorial service, residents are invited to attend various other community events. All Saints Episcopal Parish will hold their annual commemoration with a morning liturgy at 8:00am followed by the ringing of a bell from 8:46am to 9:03am. Additional services will take place at 9:20am and 11:15am. All Saints is located at 707 Washington Street. The United Synagogue of Hoboken is hosting their annual day of service, Mitzvah Day, an opportunity for residents to give back to their community. To sign up, residents are urged to visit: http://hobokensynagogue.org/MitzvahDayForm.php.
The City is working with the 9/11 Memorial Committee to complete bid specifications and finalize details for the permanent memorial at Pier A. It is expected to go out to bid in September and likely be awarded in October, when it will be ready for construction. In the interim, a display with information on the design and plans for the memorial will be installed at the location.
Link: http://www.hobokennj.org/news/hoboken-prepares-for-10th-anniversary-of-september-11-2001/
Hoboken Prepares for 10th Anniversary of September 11th

Special City Council Meeting Slated for Thursday August 18th at 7PM
The meeting will address only three items all relating to the transfer of the Hospital to HUMC Holdco:
1) Resolution to affirm an emergency contract with Okin, Hollander and Deluca to handle issues relating to the bankruptcy filings of the HUMC.
2) Resolution authorizing a closed session to discuss pending litigation relating to the HUMC and Hudson Healthcare, Inc.
3) Resolution to approve a settlement agreement between the City of Hoboken , The HUMC and Hudson Healthcare, Inc.
Below is the memo from Mayor Dawn Zimmer calling for the meeting as of August 11, 2011 and the links to supporting documentation...
Meeting Notice: Special Meeting o the Hoboken City Council for August 18 2011
Bankruptcy Lawyer Bio: Hollander Biography
HHI Bankruptcy Release: HHI Bankruptcy release
My comment: Once this deal is done this will be the Mayor fulfilling one of her major campaign promises to get the City of Hoboken out of over $60 million in bad debt associated with the Hospital. The larger the stakes for Mayor Zimmer to complete a goal, the more the faction of Russo and Mason try to obstruct and obfuscate. This will be a major political victory for Mayor Zimmer and the "old guard" can't stand it. ◦
Special City Council Meeting Slated for Thursday August 18th at 7PM

HUMC Meeting Tonight August 17th 6PM- Final Meeting?

Below is the Agenda:
1) Open Meeting Act Disclosure Statement
2) Roll-calL
3) Pledge of Allegiance
4) Report fromt he Hospital CEO
5) Report from the Authority
6) New Business
- Discussion of Certificate of Need
- Resolution Amending the Asset Purchase Agreement
- Resolution Approving the Settlement Agreement
- Other matters that may come before the board.
8) Executive Session Closed to the Public (if necessary)
9) Adjournment of the meeting.
Note: Action will be taken at this meeting.
Link to full agenda: http://www.hobokenumc.com/Public/pics/August%2017,%202011.pdf
The meeting is at Hoboken University Medical Center located at 308 Willow Avenue Hoboken, NJ
Assumption Hall and starts at 6pm. ◦
HUMC Meeting Tonight August 17th 6PM- Final Meeting?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Hoboken BOE Meeting Tonight August 16, 2011 at 7 PM
Highlights of the agenda:
- Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying and Hazing Policy and Attendance Policy.
- Changes to Cirriculum.
- Approval of textbooks.
- Project LEAP- offers college level courses.
- Resignations and appointments.
- New Teaching Assistant Prinicpal program (no additional cost to district).
- School Calendar.
- BOE Commitee composition.
http://www.hoboken.k12.nj.us/files/Stated%20Session%20August%2016%20%202011%20BOE%20Agenda..pdf ◦
Hoboken BOE Meeting Tonight August 16, 2011 at 7 PM

Hoboken Awarded Grant for Sports Equipment and 150 Jets Tickets for Youth
Mayor Dawn Zimmer is proud to announce that the City of Hoboken was awarded a grant through USA Football for acquiring shoulder pads and helmets for the Hoboken Police Athletic League. Equipment grants are fulfilled by Riddell, the official helmet and protective equipment partner of USA Football.
Health and Human Services Director Leo Pellegrini submitted Hoboken PAL's successful application to USA Football this past spring. In addition, through the support of the New York Jets and USA Football, Hoboken PAL has received 150 tickets to the Jets' August 21 preseason game against the Cincinnati Bengals.
Hoboken Awarded Grant for Sports Equipment and 150 Jets Tickets for Youth

North Hudson Sewerage Authority Publishes Memo on Hoboken Flooding
From August 8th to 15th, the Authority’s service area was hit very hard by torrential rain storms, resulting in severe flooding in certain sections of Hoboken and, to a lesser extent, in “The Shades” area of Weehawken. In Hoboken, the intersections around Harrison and First Street, Jackson and 4th Street, and Madison and 9th Street experienced the worst of the street flooding, especially on August 14th when an incredible 5.81 inches of rain fell in a 19 hour period, beginning at 1:50 AM.
Flooding from 8-14-2011 by the Hoboken Shoprite. High tides plus a large downpour equals bad results for Hoboken. |
On August 14th, in the midst of the heavy rains, the tides were high not once, but twice: at 9:39 AM and again at 9:50 PM. Exacerbating the situation was the fact that the tides were extremely high, running at 5.1 feet, almost two feet higher than average Hudson River high tides.
The Authority is in the midst of a major initiative to alleviate the worst of the flooding in Hoboken, flooding that has been a problem for over 100 years. The strategy includes the following:
- The thorough overhaul and relining of almost the entire Hoboken collection system. This first step was initiated several years ago and is substantially complete as of today. The last of the Civil War era wooden sewers is currently being replaced, with the work expected to be completed in the Spring of 2012. The total amount invested by the Authority in the rehabilitation of the Hoboken system has, to date, been approximately $40 million.
- The construction of an $18 million wet weather pump station that is scheduled to be on line by the 4th Quarter of 2011. The pump station will be capable of forcing 100 million gallons of water per day into the Hudson River during rain events. To accelerate this project, the Authority authorized in July the doubling of the manpower needed to clean the outfall to the Hudson River. This difficult cleaning cannot be done by machines, but requires hand cleaning due to the conditions of the pipelines.
- The analysis of the impact of the pump station on other areas in Hoboken. Once the pump station is on line, the low lying areas in the southwest sections of Hoboken should see major alleviation of flooding. Because the collection system in Hoboken is interconnected, the Authority’s engineers believe that other areas of Hoboken should also see mitigation of flooding. By the 1st Quarter of 2012, the Authority will begin to examine the extent to which storm water from other areas of Hoboken can be conveyed to the new pump station. If necessary, the Authority will take subsequent remedial construction and engineering steps to accomplish this.
Link to memo: http://www.nhudsonsa.com/images_subpages/August%20Flooding%20in%20Hoboken.pdf ◦
North Hudson Sewerage Authority Publishes Memo on Hoboken Flooding

Monday, August 15, 2011
Gardiner For Freeholder - Vote Row C
Below are some photos of the rather unremarkable ballot drawing ceremony.
The device used to randomly select ballot positions. |
Hudson County Clerk Barbara Netchert spins the drum. |
![]() |
The November 2011 Hudson County Ballot positions. |
![]() |
Kurt Gardiner runing independent located on column C. |
Gardiner For Freeholder - Vote Row C

Hoboken Floods Again! No surprise here!
I am is fairly certain that other areas were flooded as well last night, especially in the Southwest part of town. Several residents that have lived in Hoboken their whole life commented that it has always been bad in this area but lately seems to have become worse.
Below are photos taken from last night August 14, 2011 near the Hoboken High School and Columbus Park and the Shoprite in Hoboken…
- Kill an alien?
- Become a Toxic Avenger?
- Leak antifreeze?
- Spill plutonium?
- Play a practical joke with some green dye?
Hoboken's new public Pool? The one URSA Tarragon promised but never delivered.
Hoboken Floods Again! No surprise here!

Sunday, August 14, 2011
Tim Occhipinti Watches Weather Channel and Warns Residents of Flooding this Time!
Despite a bit of sniping commentary, The Hoboken Journal will give credit where credit is due. This email from Tim does contain some vital information for residents so due take care to read it. Perhaps the junior Councilman from "Developer or Die Land" is learning a few things about politrickery after all. His handlers are on the ball today. Stay dry people. Here is Timmy's note written by the big boys behind large scale Hoboken development.....
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Note: Banner modified to reflect the real political reality of Tim's sham term as 4th Ward City Councilman |
Friends and Neighbors,
Hoboken is under a flash flood advisory through tomorrow morning. High tide will begin at approximately 10 pm tonight, with the rain continuing today this situation will most likely cause flooding in Hoboken.
From the National Weather Service:
National Weather Advisory
The City of Hoboken has opened Garage B for residents in flood prone areas for free parking through 8 PM Monday evening.Please take this warning seriously and move your cars off the streets even if your neighborhood is not flooding now.
Here is a link to the flood prone areas in Hoboken:
Flood Prone Areas
The following streets are closed and barricades are in place as of 2pm on August 14:
- Jackson Street from 3rd to 4th
- 4th Street from Monroe to Harrison
- Henderson Street from Observer Highway to 18th
- Park Avenue from Observer Highway to Newark -Newark Street from Garden to Park
- 9th Street from Monroe to Madison
- Madison Street from 8th to 12th
- Harrison Street from 1st to Observer Highway
- Willow Street from 1st Street to Newark
- Paterson & Harrison
- Marshall Street
- Adams Street from 8th to 9th
- 9th Street from Jefferson to Clinton
- Grant Street from Newark to 1st
- Clinton Street from 2nd to 3rd
- 2nd Street from Willow to Clinton
- Clinton Street from Newark to Park
- Clinton Street from Newark to 1st
Tim Occhipinti 4th Ward Councilman
www.occhipintiforcouncil.com ◦
Tim Occhipinti Watches Weather Channel and Warns Residents of Flooding this Time!

Free Garage Parking From City of Hoboken Due to Flooding- 2 PM Update
Free Garage Parking for Residents in Flood-Prone Areas -
2pm update and Free Parking Extended

Residents in flood-prone areas are asked to move their cars to the garage or to higher ground as the rain is expected to continue. High tide (and the possibility of additional flooding) will be around 10pm on Sunday night and 10:30am on Sunday morning.
The following streets are closed and barricades are in place as of 2pm on August 14:
- Jackson Street from 3rd to 4th
- 4th Street from Monroe to Harrison
- Henderson Street from Observer Highway to 18th
- Park Avenue from Observer Highway to Newark
- Newark Street from Garden to Park
- 9th Street from Monroe to Madison
- Madison Street from 8th to 12th
- Harrison Street from 1st to Observer Highway
- Willow Street from 1st Street to Newark
- Paterson & Harrison
- Marshall Street
- Adams Street from 8th to 9th
- 9th Street from Jefferson to Clinton
- Grant Street from Newark to 1st
- Clinton Street from 2nd to 3rd
- 2nd Street from Willow to Clinton
- Clinton Street from Newark to Park
- Clinton Street from Newark to 1st
Free Garage Parking From City of Hoboken Due to Flooding- 2 PM Update